Jackfruit, the sweet-smelling juicy fruit is beloved by many of us and is now widely available in the market. While tasting the juicy flesh of the fruit, the hard nut-like seeds are immediately discarded. Madhumakshika JAFI is an alternative to coffee with no caffeine. Discarded jackfruit seeds are roasted and finely ground with jackfruit and cardamom. The product does not contain caffeine. You can use it like regular tea, coffee powder.
Dried & roasted jackfruit seed , Caradamom Seeds
Brew 1-2 tablespoons of jackfruit seed coffee per cup of hot water. Steep or filter according to your taste preference. Enjoy plain or with your favorite milk or sweetener.
Packaging: Comes in a 250g pack, resealable to keep your coffee fresh and flavorful.
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